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May 2011 - By Pandit Parashar

Sponsored by: Ashok K. Gupta, CDPE | HappyLiving4u | www.happyliving4u.com

ARIES (March 21 to April 20): It is going to be another fruitful month as far as the money is concerned. Efforts made in the past will pay off now. New contract will require extensive travels but will have many perks. Expect some favorable developments in ongoing legal battle and a settlement is in the air. Do not ignore any health related issues and treat them quickly.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Lots of tension will disappear in career and you will be assigned an important task. An older person with grey hair will be instrumental in these changes. Handle all tools and gadgets with care. Deal you had been working on for quite some time will be finalized. You will be working on a future family vacation also.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): You are really going to enjoy this month. You may enjoy few evenings with some one you like the most. There will be some positive changes in career this month and you should start to see and hear the signals early. Legal issues will be decided in your favor. There will be some last minute change in your travel plans. Money will come and go fast.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): You have some easy money coming your way. If you play your cards right and take timely action, you can move to a different level in career. You may also receive some kind of refund from a government agency. Light exercises will bring health issues under check very quickly and change of diet will help too. You will be working on a trip.

LEO (July 23 to August 22): Positive changes and improvements will bring confidence back. Right advice and guidance will be available as needed. You will enjoy company of a new associate. People in business will see increased traffic and many new customers. Pay attention to any legal issue as it will be in your favor to face the problem head on right now.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Venus in ninth will help you attain your goals quickly. You will accomplish a lot and start to feel confident again. Money wise things should start rolling again. New contract will bring much awaited and needed relief. You may have a big check coming from insurance company too. You will also hear encouraging news from distant places.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): You will be spending time and learning few ropes from well known and successful people. Money wise you will continue to do well. You will make few risky moves and they will pay off. Knowledge acquired right now will come handy in immediate future. Secure your position first before you go out of your way to help someone.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 22): And this could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship. Strong Venus in seventh will bring lots of excitement in personal life. Projects you have been working on are about to reap rich rewards in terms of money as well as confidence. You may make some money through stocks also. Planets will help those seeking new jobs.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 to December 22): Luck is on your side. You will not have to work too hard to achieve goals. Developments you had been waiting for in career will final take place causing lots of excitement in life. Some suspense in ongoing relationship will be over and the commitment is just around the corner. You will see bank balance growing rapidly.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): Money wise its going to be another favorable month. You may ignore the opportunity to make money little unorthodox way and settle for less by adopting the right way. Some of you may be traveling to east for business purpose. Spouse will need extra care and rest. You will become more ambitious and will be full of great ideas.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): You will receive several good news causing lots of excitement in life. Victory in ongoing legal matters also possible. You will opt to leave uncertain and only go for the sure thing. Money wise things should start brightening up from now and on. People in business will be pleased with their sales. You will attend an interesting party.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20): You will receive a big check in mail. Trip will be finalized after minor changes. You may dispose off some stocks and pocket the profit. People looking for a career change will continue to make progress in their efforts and will be called for next interview. You will be doing some work in or around the home and may buy some decorative items.

Bay Area-based astrologer Pandit Parashar can be reached at: pandit.parashar@gmail.com.


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