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Cricket Action: Bay Area Cricket Alliance

When it comes to Cricket, the Bay Area is not to be left behind. For those of you who have a craving for cricket action and want to play the game, BACA has just the right pitch for you, writes Jaswinder Singh.

(Above): KYoungsters taking coaching lessons at 2010 Summer Cricket Camp organized by Bay Area Cricket Alliance.

Established in 1999, the Bay Area Cricket Alliance (BACA) has grown to become one of the stronger cricket leagues in the U.S. Currently, there are more than 200 members playing in this league. The league is also a member of the United States of America Cricket Association.

BACA promotes cricket by organizing tournaments and parallel activities for its members. It hosts and participates in Inter-League cricketing events by inviting teams from all over the USA and sends its representative teams to play in other states. The organization is constantly working hard to promote the game at all levels, particularly in schools.

Youth Cricket program. The Summer Cricket Camp for Youth 10-13 years coaches cricket to 10-13-year-olds. Professional coach infuse the art of playing cricket into the participants. The ultimate goal is to produce cricket players that can go on to the national level and represent the United States in international competitions. To help accomplish, BACA is aligned with USACA and follows the rules and standards set by the International Cricket Council.

Cricket Events. To help players developed their abilities and progress to the higher regional and national levels, BACA organizes the following events. These are all open to the public for free so anyone can learn and enjoy this sport.

League Cricket. (BACA’s premier event) is played April through October each year followed by Knock-out competition for the league teams. This gives each team the chance to meet every other team in the League and play serious cricket.

For Women. An inter-league series has been setup with the team representing the North West Women’s Cricket League based in Seattle. Matches will be played in San Jose followed by games played in Seattle.

For Youth. Regular summer training camps are held for players who are experienced as well as for beginners who want to discover cricket. Efforts are currently underway with local schools to work cricket into regular PE training.

In addition to league cricket, BACA also organizes a annual Cricket fest to mark Independence Day, a Twenty20 Tournament as well as an inter-league friendship tournament between BACA and Northern California Cricket Association. Twenty20 Cricket is organized to mark the beginning of new cricket season for BACA.

Certified Coaches. Recently six BACA members underwent ICC level 1 coaching courses that were hosted by the North West Region.

Interested readers can learn more at http://www.bayareacricket.org/

Jaswinder Singh is chairman of Bay Area Cricket Alliance.


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