Car buying can be a grueling and stressful ordeal, and it doesn’t make it much easier when car companies are jacking up prices to squeeze the most out of a buyer, and the FTC is here to combat it.

In a media briefing on December 15, hosted by Ethnic Media Services, the Federal Trade Commission introduced the CARS rule, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at safeguarding consumers from deceptive auto retail practices and generating substantial savings. 

The rule, which encompasses provisions related to pricing, products, and buyer consent, is set to revolutionize the auto retail industry and empower consumers with transparency and fairness.


  • Malini Mithal, Associate Director, Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission
  • Jamie D. Brooks, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission (not pictured)
  • Sanya Shahrasbi, Attorney, Division of Financial Practices, Federal Trade Commission 

The briefing commenced with an overview from Malini Mithal, Associate Director of the Division of Financial Practices at the FTC. Mithal emphasized the significance of the rule in combating fraudulent practices and expressed gratitude to the attendees for their interest in the initiative. The rule is projected to yield major savings for consumers, potentially amounting to $3.4 billion annually, and save an estimated 72 million hours each year. These staggering figures underscore the transformative impact of the CARS rule on the auto retail landscape.

Furthermore, the briefing shed light on the pivotal role of honest dealers in the industry. Sandy, a participant in the briefing, highlighted the rule’s potential to level the playing field for honest dealers by eliminating unfair competition from deceptive pricing strategies. This aspect underscores the rule’s dual benefit of protecting consumers and fostering a more equitable environment for legitimate businesses.

The speakers from the FTC, Malini Mithal and attorneys from the Division of Financial Practices, Jamie D. Brooks and Sanya Shahrasb, emphasized the rule’s focus on transparency and its potential to enhance the car shopping experience for consumers. By addressing issues such as bait-and-switch tactics and hidden charges, the CARS rule aims to instill trust and confidence in consumers, thereby reshaping the dynamics of the auto retail market.

During the briefing, the importance of consumer feedback and complaints was underscored. The FTC emphasized the critical role of consumer complaints in identifying and addressing deceptive practices in the auto retail industry. This highlights the collaborative nature of the initiative, where consumer input serves as a catalyst for driving meaningful change and ensuring the effectiveness of the CARS rule in safeguarding consumer interests.

The speakers also emphasized the significance of media outlets in disseminating accurate information about the CARS rule. They encouraged reporters to leverage the briefing materials, including videos and transcripts, to ensure comprehensive and accurate coverage of the initiative. This collaborative approach underscores the shared commitment to informing and empowering consumers through clear and accurate reporting.

In addition to its consumer-centric focus, the CARS rule also aims to provide a level playing field for honest dealers, thereby fostering a more ethical and competitive auto retail landscape. By addressing deceptive pricing practices and enhancing transparency, the rule seeks to create a marketplace where consumers can make informed decisions with confidence, free from the shadow of fraudulent tactics.

As the briefing drew to a close, the resounding message was one of optimism and anticipation for the transformative impact of the CARS rule. The rule’s potential to revolutionize the auto retail industry, protect consumers, and empower honest dealers was a recurring theme throughout the briefing. 

The collaborative efforts of the FTC, media outlets, and consumers underscore a shared commitment to driving positive change and ensuring a fair and transparent auto retail environment.

In conclusion, the unveiling of the CARS rule marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect consumers and promote fairness in the auto retail industry. With its focus on transparency, consumer empowerment, and ethical business practices, the rule is poised to usher in a new era of trust and integrity in auto retail, ultimately benefiting consumers and honest dealers alike.