Currently writing this article, I’m sitting at a boba shop appreciating the ambiance and enjoying a drink.

Usually, my house would only be 35 minutes away. This time, however, it would’ve taken me two hours to get home from my current 9-5 marketing job. A setback on the road – a common occurrence in the Bay Area – led me to take a detour. The detour led to an enjoyable local boba shop and this article. Maybe that traffic jam was a blessing in disguise.

This is a way of approaching setbacks in life: to take another approach, to take a “detour” on the way to the destination. Things don’t always go the way one wants them to. I didn’t go to my dream university or get my dream job right after graduating. But I absolutely loved the university I went to and love the job I have now.

In this article, I will explain how cultivating a growth mindset and navigating setbacks with positivity can lead to a better life for young professionals.

Criticism Is a Good Thing

A failed interview or a rejection letter can be demoralizing at times, especially if it is your ‘dream’ job. Many resort to moping about it.

However, I would take it as a challenge to improve for next time. After my first rejection from a big company, I was devastated. However, I reached out and asked for feedback on my interview.

A few weeks later, they called me to give me a list of feedback items. This helped me immensely in future interviews.

Always take criticism as a stepping stone for improvement. It’s never personal. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s always good to know what mistakes are being made. 

Take a Different Approach 

There are many ways to cook meat. There are many ways to power a vehicle. There are many ways to get in touch with the right people.

Similarly, there are many ways to find the right career path. If you hit a setback by doing the same thing over and over again, try something new.

Applying for jobs can be a tedious and repetitive process. Sometimes, applying for jobs the same way may not work. It’s time to try something new.

Different job boards or hiring agencies can lead to better results. Maybe the solution is to look for different roles or a different industry.

One approach many overlook is to simply take a break from applying. Focus on building your personal brand instead. Update your LinkedIn, build up your portfolio, and/or improve your résumé. One small change may lead to a big impact. 

Be Curious 

The best way to grow is to stay curious and get out of your comfort zone. There may be a very set plan for your life, and you don’t want to wave away from that plan.

As new grads, we are taught to always plan for the future. Yet, we tend to turn a blind eye to how much more there is to do and see in this world. Stay curious to explore the possibilities and keep your options open.

A new grad thinks they know what a “dream job” looks like. The reality is a new grad has probably never had a full-time job before. They have yet to see what a dream job at a dream company looks like. Life can present you with many pleasant surprises when you’re curious and open to trying new things. 

Be Romantic with Life

As young professionals, it might seem like the days are on repeat. Going to work, eating food, running daily errands, rinse, repeat. A feeling normalized for many of us. Sometimes, the days can feel dull, monotonous, even depressing. Just enough that getting through them feels tough. 

To tackle this, “romanticizing” your life, as silly as it sounds, works like a charm. This means finding the beauty in everyday activities and being present.  It is the little steps that make the all the difference. Jam out to your favorite music on your commute home.

If music isn’t really your thing, maybe take a jab at listening to a new podcast on your commute home. Take a walk outside in the neighborhood. For some going on a bike ride or drive can alleviate the mood. These are everyday activities that we tend to perceive as daily tasks. These everyday activites can be rather joyful if you make them out to be. 


Cultivating a growth mindset comes from within. We all have the ability to do it, we just have to work hard to stay positive and view things differently.

Negative setbacks can lead to positive outcomes with the right mindset. As someone who has dealt with overthinking and imposter syndrome, the little steps outlined have helped me grow significantly.

As a recent grad, now a young professional, I recommend reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.