Enough experts have echoed the same message: the vaccines work! The vaccines are the most effective tool in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and limiting the birth of new variants. Dr. Erica Pan, California’s State Epidemiologist and Deputy Director at the Center for Infectious Diseases, goes more in-depth about the importance of vaccines and clears any misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccines at a press briefing.

Speaker: Dr. Erica Pan, California State Epidemiologist and Deputy Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases
Speaker: Dr. Erica Pan, California State Epidemiologist and Deputy Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases

Dr. Erica Pan highlights that risk of hospitalizations and deaths is significantly higher for unvaccinated individuals compared to vaccinated individuals. Dr. Pan assures that all three available COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness. Dr. Pan addressed many commonly asked questions by Californians regarding vaccines, their efficacy, and our navigation through COVID-19.

How do the COVID-19 vaccines work?

The primary goal of a vaccine is to teach the immune system how to fight against infections. The COVID-19 vaccines were made using a part of the virus’ genetic code, either messenger RNA (mRNA) or DNA, depending on the vaccine technology used. Once inoculated, the vaccines get to work by giving our cells instructions to mimic a harmless spike protein of the COVID-19 virus. The immune system recognizes the spike proteins and produces antibodies to destroy the spike proteins. If exposed to the virus, the immune system will be able to recognize it and have the antibodies to fight the virus.

How effective are the vaccines against new variants, like Omicron?

The full course of vaccines and the boosters were highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. Most unvaccinated individuals face severe illness from COVID-19 and the new variants.

What are the benefits of receiving the vaccine even though you can still contract COVID-19?

The impact of COVID-19 on your body will be less severe if the disease is contracted. There is a lower chance of getting the virus in the first place, especially if protective measures are followed.

Is vaccination required if someone has already contracted the virus?

The bottom line: YES.

Even if one contracts the virus, they should still get vaccinated considering the highly contagious variants that impact our communities. Immunity acquired from a previous infection tends to be strong, however, it varies for individuals. Dr. Erica Pan also notes that antibodies developed from a previous infection are temporary and immunity declines over time.

Protection from vaccination appears to be stronger against the virus and its new variants. The more quickly we vaccinate eligible Californians, the more we prevent the spread of the virus and shrink the pool of people vulnerable to COVID-19. Dr. Pan states that the goal is to minimize and mitigate the burden of disease in California. Therefore, every single shot counts!

Does receiving the vaccines and booster eliminate the need for further safety precautions — wearing a mask or social distancing?

The bottom line: NO.

Even with the booster, safety precautions are prudent to keep Californians safe. Vaccines are never 100% effective, and some aren’t even eligible to get the vaccine. Most experts admit that we may never reach a 100% vaccination rate. Taking precautions — wearing a face mask — protects the vaccine-ineligible population from contracting COVID-19 and becoming seriously ill.

How can we be sure that the booster doses are safe?

Booster doses go through a thorough scientific review, similar to the initial COVID-19 vaccines. With global trial data reviewed and considered by experts, the recommendation for boosters is a well-informed decision. To add on, reports suggest that the full series of vaccines, including booster doses, are proven to be safe and more effective against fighting the variants.

Dr. Pan urges Californians to get themselves and their children boosted to maximize their protection against variants.

Are the vaccines safe for children? Any side effects?

Comprehensive clinical trials with over 4,500 children, ages 5-11, show that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. The study suggests a strong antibody response in children who received the vaccine with mild side effects like fatigue, fever, and headache. Serious side effects, such as heart muscle inflammation, are rare. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh any risk as heart inflammation can be more severe in unvaccinated patients with COVID-19.

The message from Dr. Pan and other experts is crystalline. The benefits of getting fully vaccinated, including the booster, significantly outweigh the debilitating effects of COVID-19 on an unvaccinated patient.