On May 5th, the Kalaawishkar Bharatnatyam Dance School dazzled audiences with their groundbreaking production, “Adhbhuta: Wonderment through Dance.” This unique showcase brought together the classical Indian dance form of Bharatnatyam and beloved Disney characters, creating an enchanting East-meets-West theatrical experience. Conceptualized by the visionary founder and creative head of Kalaawishkar, Shraddha Joglekar, the performance epitomized the essence of Adhbhuta Rasa—invoking a profound sense of wonder and amazement.

A Bharatnatyam performance is incomplete without the four-fold Abhinayas: Angika, Vachika, Aharya, and Sattvika. At a high level, these translate to Angika (body movements), Vachika (speech and/or music), Aharya (costume and makeup), and Sattvika (mindfulness). “Adhbhuta: Wonderment through Dance” masterfully incorporated these elements to create a mesmerizing production.

The meticulous preparation for “Adhbhuta” began three months prior to the grand event, involving students of varying skill levels from Kalaawishkar. Each participant was assigned a character, which they embodied with enthusiasm and grace. The attention to detail in costuming and makeup was exceptional, ensuring that every artist’s portrayal was visually captivating. The choreographies were thoughtfully designed to align with the Disney theme, taking into account the proficiency of each dancer.

Guru Shraddha Joglekar herself took on the role of Genie, guiding the narrative as a storyteller. Her engaging performance brought coherence to the diverse stories, as she led a group of pirates, headed by Jack Sparrow, through a magical journey across Disney’s vast universe. This creative narrative structure provided a seamless flow to the production, making it accessible and enjoyable for audiences of all ages. The Vachika Abhinaya (speech and music) formed a strong backbone for the production, enhancing the storytelling and connecting the various dance sequences into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

The performance was further elevated by the live accompaniment of a highly skilled Bay Area orchestra. The musicians showcased an impressive repertoire, performing 30-40 Indian Classical Raagas that were carefully selected to complement both the dance form and the distinct personality of each Disney character. This Vachika Abhinaya, the integration of music and narrative, created a rich, immersive experience that resonated deeply with the audience.

The adult learners of Kalaawishkar portrayed various Disney princesses, utilizing the Angika Abhinaya (expressive body movements) to bring each story to life. Their performances were a testament to the rigorous training and dedication of the students, as well as the innovative choreography that seamlessly blended traditional Bharatnatyam with the whimsical charm of Disney.

As the curtain time approached on May 5th, the green room buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Artists adorned themselves with ornaments and elaborate costumes, embodying the Aharya Abhinaya that is crucial to Bharatanatyam. The transformation was stunning, as performers stepped into their characters, ready to transport the audience into a world of magic and wonder.

The show opened with a journey into Mickey Mouse’s world, setting a vibrant tone for the evening. From there, the audience was whisked away to meet Mulan, experiencing her bravery and grace through intricate dance sequences. The journey continued with a visit to Moana in the sun-kissed islands of Hawaii, followed by an underwater adventure with Ariel, the Little Mermaid. Each transition was smooth, with the narrative thread artfully woven by Guru Shraddha’s storytelling.

The highlight of the evening was the grand presentation of the twelve Disney princesses. Each princess’s story was vividly brought to life through Bharatnatyam, with the dancers skillfully using Angika Abhinaya to convey their unique traits and tales. The audience was enthralled by the beauty and elegance of the performances, which perfectly captured the spirit of each character. As the final act concluded and the curtains fell, the auditorium erupted in applause. Theaudience was left spellbound, filled with a sense of wonder and delight that epitomised the essence of Adhbhuta. The production not only showcased the incredible talent and dedication of the Kalaawishkar students but also highlighted the versatility and timeless appeal of Bharatanatyam. Glimpses of Sattvika Abhinaya were evident throughout, particularly where creativity blended the Bharatanatyam framework to portray stories from the West.

“Adhbhuta: Wonderment through Dance” was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of cultural fusion, creativity, and the boundless possibilities of artistic expression. The integration of Angika, Vachika, Aharya, and Sattvika Abhinayas created a holistic and unforgettable experience. The Kalaawishkar Bharatnatyam Dance School, under the guidance of Shraddha Joglekar, has set a new benchmark in the world of dance, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating their next production.


All photos by Kaushik Jogalekar