Ajay Jain Bhutoria of Fremont, Calif., is the latest to join the growing list of Indian Americans who are helping Hillary Clinton in her bid for U.S. Presidency. (Society, #Siliconeer, @Siliconeer, #AjayJainBhutoria, #HillaryClinton, #Hillblazers, #HillaryforPresident)
Ajay’s active involvement with the election campaign of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s race for Presidency is seen as another example of Indian immigrants moving into mainstream politics and their contributions to American social and political life in general.
Ajay joined Hilary Clinton’s National Finance Committee overseeing her Presidential campaign, helping raise top dollars for the campaign and connecting Hillary Clinton with the Indian community in U.S. He joins 120 Hillblazers on Hillary Campaign, individuals who have helped raise $100,000 or more in primary election contributions since the launch of this historic campaign on April 12, 2015. He has been co-host for several events connecting Indian Americans in San Francisco Bay Area with Hillary Clinton, helping raise more than $100,000 for the Primary Campaign funds.
It is a well-known fact that Indo-U.S. relations grew much stronger and closer during the Presidency of Bill Clinton and the Clintons are known to be very fond of India and its culture.

Ajay has served and led various organizations including Rajasthan Association of North America, GOPIO Silicon Valley, and was founder of Global Organization for Community Services focused on serving people in need. He has also worked with Art of Living Foundation and San Francisco Sherriff to bring Meditation Training into San Francisco Prisons to improve lives of prisoners and help them become better human beings.
An inspiring author and speaker on happiness, his book “100 Life Management Tools for a Happy Life,” has inspired many people to achieve and grow personal happiness and happiness for the community. Ajay has also authored “100 Things You Should Know About HR Management Using SAP.”
Giving a strong platform to the youth and allowing them to showcase their skills and build leadership qualities, he has helped in honoring the contributions of individuals who have made significant contributions and in the process inspiring others to emulate them.
Ajay spends his Sundays serving free hot meals to the poor and hungry, making them feel good about the society they live in. He has served over 20,000 meals in the last 4 years. He organizes cloth and blanket drives regularly for poor and needy, driving well to do people towards charity.