2013 Yearly Forecast
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I think it’s high time for the readers to understand some fundamental principles of how these weekly and yearly predictions are made. In yearly forecast, we mainly look at the transit of planet Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. It’s very important to know the basis of how we interpret these transits, says Pandit Parashar.
“Jupiter is an auspicious planet and yields to give good results during its transit in various houses,†but that’s not true. Planet Jupiter is only good when transiting fifth, seventh, ninth or its own sign or house but as they have a shloka saying “Sthaan Haani Karoh Jivah.†Here Sthaan means place or house, Haani means to impair or damage, Karoh means does, and Jivah in Sanskrit language is another name for the planet Jupiter or Guru.
What it means is that planet Jupiter impairs the house it is transiting in different ways.
On the other hand transiting Saturn in very helpful in third, sixth and eleventh house or transiting various houses where it is a friend of the sign occupied by Sun or Moon or transiting in the capacity of Raja Yoga Karka as in case of people with their Sun or Moon in Taurus or Libra ascendant. And of course the transits of planet Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus are also taken into consideration and interpretation of their transits are included as per their locations and the relations to the sign occupying Sun or Moon sign.
Normally transit of planets like Sun and Mars is considered favorable in third, sixth, eleventh or when they are transiting in the capacity of helpful planet for various Sun or Moon sign. For example, for Cancer the planet Mars is considered Raja Yoga Karka, its effects in different houses will be mostly helpful.
Jupiter will stay in Taurus till May 31, 2013 and Saturn will stay in Libra throughout 2013. Rahu will transit Libra and Ketu will stay in Aries throughout 2013.
Now lets see how these will impact various signs.
ARIES (March 21 to April 20): The first six months look promising financially as compared to last six months of year 2012. You will be lucky in all money matters. The value of your assets and stocks will appreciate. You will have better control over expenses that have already come down a lot in past month. After May 31, you are going to have better luck in almost everything. Most of your plans will hit the target without any difficulty. Someone older and possibly with grey hair could be instrumental in your success. There is a strong chance that some of you will change your job in early part of 2013. The new job will be definitely better, closer to home and have a relaxed atmosphere. It will be a better year for bachelors as marriage is definitely in the air. Spouse will also have better luck and purchase of another property can’t be ruled out. People in business partnership will exit or buy out their partners. You will become very strong financially in 2013.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): You will continue to do well in career. Patience and hard work will help you make your way and you will keep climbing the ladder of success. Presence of exalted Saturn in sixth will help you gain an edge over the strongest opponents. Some of your business competitors may leave the scene adding more foot traffic to your business in 2013. Some health issue will keep you occupied till May 31 but will be under control thereafter. You should try not to stretch your limits or a lot of financial pressure could arise in the second half of 2013. If you are involved in a lawsuit, Saturn in sixth guarantees a win with large financial gains before May. You will change your vehicle with a luxury version. If you do not gamble, you will accumulate a lot of wealth in 2013.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): You will be spending a lot on family. You may also do some big renovation to your home in first half of 2013. As far as money is concerned, it will be a hit and a miss. Sometimes you will have a lot and at other times none at all, but it will be ample and you will gracefully meet all commitments on time. A child will move away for educational purpose this year. Second half of 2013 is what you should be looking forward to when Jupiter moves into your sign and brings relief in a big way. Some of you may start another venture in partnership or float your own consulting company. The project will be an instant success and go a long way. Bachelors will be successful in finding the right soul mate but the person will most probably be born overseas. You have bright ideas and should not hesitate to implement them this year. Start small and the planets promise that you will end up growing like a banyan tree.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Many will change careers in first half of 2013. Vehicles will need repairs off and on. You will continue to maintain a low profile in the first half of 2013 and wait for the right opportunity to which will come after May 31. You will take several important trips overseas this year and may start a big project in foreign land in the second half. Opportunity to purchase a nice property will come around June and you will not hesitate and go for it. You may win few favors from the government this year and it will help existing business grow and diversify. Spouse will have better health and may also get some money out of litigation. Children, your biggest assets, will continue to march towards their professional goals. You should continue to try your hands at lottery as strong Sun in the months of May and June can get you the much needed chunk of money. You will start helping spouse more at home and in business. Anything you do overseas will be lucky for you after May 31.
LEO (July 23 to August 22): This will be a very fortunate year. Changes in career will prove to be lucky and a turning point in the second half of 2013. Business should at least double this year. You will travel long distance more than once for recreation. Your image in society will improve and you may win big favors from a government agency. Some of you may initiate a big lawsuit to prove your point or to recover what belonged to you in the first place. The judgment will be quick and favorable or the other party may even offer good settlement out of court. For people looking for an expansion in family, planets will make it happen in second half when Jupiter aspects its own house, the house of children. Many will move into bigger and better homes this summer. You will definitely add more and luxury model of vehicles to your existing fleet. You will sign some big contracts or deals in the second half of 2013. For people in jobs, a big promotion is also not out of question around July or August of 2013.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): This year will bring many changes in life. If you are not careful and take hasty decisions, it could hurt your finances and personal life. Financially, things will stay very tight and you may keep disposing off your assets in order to meet your commitments. There will be big changes in career in mid-2013 and some of you may get out of ventures that have been chewing you up in the past and take up a job for the time being. Bachelors will be successful in finding a very noble, suitable and very professional match this year. Some of you may even start a new venture on a small scale in partnership with some like-minded people around April or May. Your commitments and expenses on family and children will escalate in 2013. Avoid investing in any old or rundown property, its not going to be profitable. You will be taking a trip overseas to meet an important person who can turn things around if you play your cards right. You will have to completely rely on your own instinct as right help will be a difficult commodity.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): This year could be yet another turning point in your life if you have patience and are ready to work hard. Raja Yoga Karka Saturn in your sign will turn things around in your favor and will take you to new levels in life. Rahu will change your personality. You will become a no-nonsense and tough person and probably that is the way to succeed in life. Children will excel in whatever they are involved in. There will be peace at home and mind will be more settled from now and on. Some of you may find good luck and fortune in the West direction this year. It will be a great year for people involved in high tech industry. You may also secure a big business loan to help you expand your horizons to far-off lands. Spouse may have some unexpected and beyond comprehension health issues. Some of you will be moving to a very large property with lots of greenery around this summer. Bank balance may not grow that much but your credibility, assets and value will appreciate in 2013.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 22): Progress will be slow as in the past six months but you will continue to meet all commitments on time. People in medical profession should not let their guard down and make sure that paperwork is complete as the threat of a malpractice lawsuit still looms around because of Saturn’s transit in twelfth in 2013. Financially, you will be comfortable throughout as expenses will stay on the lower side and growth will be steady. April onwards you will have new clients and foot traffic will grow. Most of the new clients will come through referrals. August will bring some major and positive changes in career. Some of you may take over another running business on some very easy repayment terms. Children will continue to do well in their lives and you may even become grandparent for the first time this summer. You will take all decisions after careful thinking. Investments will turn profitable in coming years. You may receive some money from an insurance company in the second half of 2013.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 to December 22): Things will stay slow in the first half of 2013. Pressure will be too much and you will not have any choice but to face it. Some of you may stay away most of the time for business or assignments till May 31 but things will change for the better right thereafter. People taking advantage will be move away and you will regain your rightful place in career or organization. The month of July will bring relief in a huge way and you will have the Midas touch for about two months so do not hesitate and aim high as dreams can become reality during these two months. A new association or partnership possible with an intellectual person with some age difference. This person could be short in height too. Financially, you will become very careful and as a result your bank balance will creep up in 2013. Chances of money through legal matters still stay strong. You will be successful in getting an important issue resolved with a government agency in 2013. Maintain the fighting spirit and you will make it a great year.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): It will be another fruitful year. You will continue to march ahead against heavy odds. Expect lots of financial growth in 2013. The size of family will also grow. Another child or marriage of a child is highly possible before the end of May. Some of you may file a complaint against your employer this year. The judgment will come fast and in your favor. You will make new friends and useful contacts. You will meet an important personality during the course of a business trip. This person will help you beyond your imagination. You may travel overseas with family to attend a wedding. You will be in two minds about leaving your existing home and moving to a bigger property. Your interest in higher philosophy will increase and you may associate yourself with a charity organization. Some of you may even diversify and get into gas or automobile business. Blessings and valuable advice of a holy man will continue to steer your life in the right direction.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): As the family grows you will move to a bigger place in summer. Gains from overseas and in projects going on in other countries are possible. Planets will help you grow against all odds. You may be selected for an important assignment. Boss will always be on your side. Your automobiles may need minor repairs off and on and ultimately you may decide to replace one of them with another economical model. There will be another addition in the family after June and simultaneously you will move to a bigger home in a better area. Once Jupiter moves in fifth after May 31, there will be sudden financial growth. Opportunity to make money will come on its own. You may dispose off some earlier investments for a huge profit. The only negative thing this year is the health of an older family member. You may make overseas trips in this respect. You will benefit from a bald person with honey-colored eyes.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20): Things will stay slow for the first half of 2013 but once Jupiter moves into the fourth house, everything will turn around to your advantage. A huge promotion with added benefits and bonus will be offered by same or other well-known company. Some of you may need minor surgery to get rid of an old problem this year. Several important meetings will take place during the month of April and May. You will receive good guidance from someone you met in past few months. You will be applying for a big loan, possibly a real estate loan in July. You may visit family overseas in August. Some old friends will try to come back in your life but you will be reluctant to take them back. You may receive a temporary assignment to teach a class in April or May. There is a strong chance for some easy money, or the money you invested and forgot, or gave up on some investment, so keep your eyes open and check your mail carefully and keep playing the lottery this year.