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June 2011 - By Pandit Parashar

Sponsored by: Ashok K. Gupta, CDPE | HappyLiving4u | www.happyliving4u.com

ARIES (March 21 to April 20): You will plan something adventurous with children. Mind will be at ease. You will be on the move and may have to spend most time outside office. Legal matters will take positive shape and victory is not too far. You will spend money on buying gifts. An old friend will pay a surprise visit.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Efforts will not go in vain, rather you will make good use of a weak opportunity and turn it into a profitable deal. Strong Sun in first will bring more fame in social circle. You would not mind showing off an expensive item you purchased recently to your friends. Things will ease out in career.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Strong Venus will improve things suddenly and you will enjoy life more and will stay cheerful. Favorable planets bring financial relief in a big way. You will make final payments on several bills and commitments made around November of last year. You will also receive advice about career from a matured person.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Hard work and patience shown in the past will pay off in a big way and the investment will be lot less than anticipated. This could be a turning point in your career. You may suddenly develop taste for red meat or hot and spicy food. Planet in eleventh helps you make big chunk of money through stocks. Trip will be entertaining.

LEO (July 23 to August 22): A lot of uncertainty will disappear from life and you will be able to plan things in a better way with determination and confidence. You may have some money coming from insurance or in-laws this month. You will meet important people in connection with business who will immediately assure help and cooperation.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): There will be changes in business partnerships. New partners will have better foresight and will be easy to deal with. Some of you will be getting ready to move to another place. There is an overseas business trip in the air. Planets looks favorable financially.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22): Planets will bring a lot of relief in career. Some one who was a threat will move out of state. You will finally lay your hands on money which was due long time ago. Children will help you plan an exciting trip. There will be overnight positive changes in health of an ailing family member. All attempts will hit bulls eye.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 22): There will be dramatic changes in life and suddenly you will be full of energy. A half-hearted project will take off big time and will become a major thing soon. You will be helped by a person who is not only successful but has lots of good connections. You have some money coming out of legal matters.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 to December 22): Health concerns from past several months will go away. There is a strong chance of an addition in the family for prospective couples. You will enjoy the company of a new friend. It is a very favorable month for people looking for a change in career. Some of you will be getting ready for an upcoming move also.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): The wait will be over and you will hear from the other party. Negotiations will take some more time but will ultimately materialize. Pay attention to an health issues that flare up from time to time. You will make useful friends at a gathering. Letters will get positive response quickly.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): Opportunities to make money will keep coming. Soon a big family reunion will take place as you slowly work towards it. Business trip will be fruitful and the results will be far bigger than anticipated. You may develop a taste for sweets. The idea of going the legal route to make your point may work.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20): You will be offered a dream opportunity but without much financial gains. People in business will experience better sales and will spend more on advertising. Spouse will complain about aches in joint and may need more rest. You will make a final payment on some credit cards.

Bay Area-based astrologer Pandit Parashar can be reached at: pandit.parashar@gmail.com.


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