May Day Dance: Mission Valley Elementary
Students at the Mission Valley Elementary school Fremont, Calif. presented their annual May Day Dance, May 26. Amongst the colorful celebrations, hung a subtle gloom as this is probably the last year of this celebration. In the wake of budget cuts, students are likely to lose their physical education teachers and other senior staff at the school. The students of kindergarten and grades 4-6 presented a memorable performance at this year’s May Day Dance event. A Siliconeer photo essay.
Fourth graders during a performance at the May Day Dance. [SILICONEER photo]
Kids from kindergarten show perfect coordination during their performance. [SILICONEER photo]
Mission Valley Elementary seniors perform a dance. [SILICONEER photo]
Posters created by the students of Mission Valley Elementary to show their love and support for their P.E. teacher, Ms. Hughes. The school will lose all P.E., science and music teachers as a result of budget cuts. Six teachers including Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Wittmer, Ms. Wilhelmi, Ms. Evans, Ms. Spampinato, and Ms. Hughes will not be here next year. The class size in the primary grades and kindergarten will also be increased from 20 students to 30 students next year. [SILICONEER photo]
Parents and teachers join students for the ‘Macarena’ dance. Chicken Dance, Hip Hop, May Pole, Hokey Pokey, the event had it all. [SILICONEER photo]