Let Us Be, Politicians – A Fight For Transgender Equality
Looking at US today, a cultural war between conservative and liberal ideologies has been brewing. One side argues that limiting equal access for transgender people is imperative to protect the culture and children of the United States. The other side of the political spectrum believes everyone is entitled to fundamental rights, regardless of orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or socio-economic situation. The focus has now shifted towards rights for the transgender community.
In a recent media briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services, experts and advocates share insights on the need for pushback on bills targeted towards the transgender community. More specifically, GOP-led states such as Texas and Florida, where conservative politicians are setting a precedent for a new wave of legislation working against the transgender community.

- Gene Wu, Texas State Representative, D-Houston
- Sailor Jones, Associate Director, Common Cause North Carolina
- Nadine Smith, Executive Director, Equality Florida
- Susan Maasch, Founder, Trans Youth Equality Foundation
In states like California and Washington, many celebrate cultural differences and accept people from all backgrounds with any identity they wish to define themselves. However, go to states like Texas, Florida, and North Carolina, the narrative changes. Experts cry foul as they analyze the actions of GOP-led governing bodies targeting the transgender community.
Starting with Texas, Democratic Representative Gene Wu speaks on the political landscape of transgender rights in Texas. According to Rep. Gene Wu, “Republicans have carefully navigated and narrated a story. The background of well, we’re just protecting the kids.” With this narrative, Texas lawmakers have presented 57 bills, the most of any state in the nation. The result? An increase in suicide rates amongst transgender youth. Wu highlights the irony: “ We’re protecting the kids right? Even though the kids have come to us and testify, we don’t want your protection, and your protection makes us want to kill ourselves.” Rep. Wu concludes with the following message to his colleagues, “Leave people the hell alone… It’s no one’s business who I sleep with, who I love. It’s none of your business how I modify my body.”
We are aware of the anti-LGBTQ narrative spearheaded by Florida Gov. Ron De Santis. The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill has caused a ruckus between Gov. De Santis and Disney. Nadine Smith underscores the meaning behind these attacks on the whole community. “They needed a new target. They needed something else that they could whip people into a frenzy with. “Perhaps the most chilling overreach of government power is a dangerous ban on life-saving medical care for trans youth.” This, alongside a bill to restrict bathroom usage based on gender identity, are all tactics to limit “the ability of trans people to be in public space.” Smith entails that the fight for rights is bigger than equality for the transgender community. “We are fighting over the definition of freedom, and we are fighting over the definition of democracy. And everybody has a stake in that.”
A similar scenario in North Carolina portrayed by Sailor Jones. “We’re seeing a lot of the same things that Representative Wu is seeing in Texas and Nadine has seen in Florida right here in the Tar Heel State.” For example, North Carolina also had a similar bathroom bill In 2016, sparking a national debate on transgender rights. Jones notes, “It also set off a boycott by business and even celebrities to the State of North Carolina that helped ultimately blunt the types of bills we’re seeing today.”
These new legislations have led to the transgender community resorting to drastic measures. Susan Maasch describes the situation as heartbreaking. “They’re leaving their families, their friends, all their relatives. Some of them have lived in these states for generations and they are leaving everything that they know and doing it, you know, almost in the dark of night – fleeing really, in Uhaul trucks and cars, and whatever they can take with them.”
With the United States seemingly so divided about the transgender community, the cultural disconnect between politicians and progressive individuals is only getting stronger. We have yet to see how this would play out at the Federal level and how these actions may impact the upcoming U.S. elections.