Stand-up Comedian Amit Tandon from India Rekindles Our Childhood in His Maiden SF Bay Area Appearance
Indian stand-up comedian Amit Tandon presents his maiden performance at the ICC in Milpitas, Calif., Feb. 2. (Vansh A. Gupta/Siliconeer)
Milpitas, Calif. (Feb. 2) – Refreshingly simple and spot-on, Amit sent the packed auditorium into a riot of laughter as he narrated, for the most part, his own life, and then some. This was his first night in San Francisco Bay Area. Amit was candid in his jokes, and he made a few on the fly, keeping the audience charmed and gasping.
Amit was supported by two local comedians, Sunny Moza and another upcoming comedian from San Diego, who warmed up the audience till he came on stage and tore them apart. The event was presented by Meghna David and Vik Dutta of Dime Era Entertainment. Vik promises many more events in the near future.
As we were repeatedly reminded not to use our cameras to take photos or video, we are presenting a concise version of the actual event. A Siliconeer photo essay by Vansh A. Gupta.