This year, we decided that we will come up with a realistic new year’s resolution list for 2024. Here it goes:


  1. Follow the Law, Privacy is Prime
  2. Un-data the data, be an individual 
  3. Keep It Simple, Avoid Sampling
  4. Feed the needy, avoid needing from the feedy
  5. Deep facts are important, deepfakes are entertainment 
  6. Save money, drink less (coffee)
  7. Use Augmented Intelligence over Artificial Intelligence
  8. Keep inking, save digital real estate
  9. Fly ahead, not fry a head.
  10. Do not double-dip
  11. Live Organic, not programmatic
  12. Never write editorials under the influence…

Ringing in the new years and whistling with our dear friend – Mickey! Happy New Year