Assembly member Kansen Chu (l) honored Ajay Jain Bhutoria in a celebration attended by 250+ community leaders, May 28, in Milpitas, Calif.
Fremont today is one of the most vibrant communities in the state of California and in America. Ajay through this dedication, energy and enthusiasm has made a positive impact across all sections of our community. A Siliconeer Contributor report.
Ajay has connected the elected representatives and government officials with the local people as well as raised awareness within the community to participate in the democratic process. He stands up for social causes, giving voice to the voiceless, representing the faceless, highlighting issues and problems that are not bound by geography, be it organizing interfaith vigils for the massacre of school kids in Peshawar, Pakistan or for fighting for women’s rights in India.
Ajay has spent his Sundays for last 3 years, serving free hot meals to the poor and hungry, making them feel good about the society they live in. He organizes cloth and blanket drives regularly for poor and needy in our community, integrating them with our society and driving well to do people towards charity.
Ajay has given a strong platform to the youth in our community allowing them to showcase their skills and build leadership qualities. He likes to share his skills, experience and resources and makes them available for one and all.

He has helped in honoring the contributions of individuals who have made significant contributions and in the process inspiring others to emulate them.
He inspires others to do more for the community, driving citizens towards a common goal and shared vision. Ajay has brought different faiths in our community closer, weaving them together through the thread of culture and religion, making Fremont a peaceful and beautiful place to live in.
Ajay Jain Bhutoria was also honored as ” Global Diversity Inspiring Leader,” May 29, in New York. Here is a link to his Facebook page for further reading: