The environment has been a hot topic in the past decade. Quite literally with how hot it has been in LA. In effort to curb it, the city is undergoing a beautification project to be converted into a green haven. 

In a media briefing on May 13th, hosted by Ethnic Media Services, a panel of experts shed light on the pressing issue of greening schools and the vital importance of urban greening initiatives. The discussion emphasized the need to transform asphalt schoolyards into vibrant living spaces to enhance the well-being of students and address structural inequities in communities.


  • Rocío Rivas, LAUSD School Board Member, District 2, Chairman of the Greening Schools and Climate Resilience Committee of the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education
  • Marci Raney, Senior Program Manager in the Office of Well-Being at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, former Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Occidental College in Los Angeles, and Certified Exercise Physiologist and Playground Safety Inspector
  • Tori Kjer, Executive Director, Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust
  • Krisztina Tokes, Chief Facilities Executive, Los Angeles Unified School District 
  • Rosemary Ruiz, 11th-grade student at Brio College Prep in downtown Los Angeles, and founder of Go Green at her school

The panelists highlighted various projects aimed at greening school environments, ranging from playground projects to outdoor classrooms and community-based initiatives. These endeavors seek to increase green spaces within schools, with a goal of greening 30% of playgrounds to create more sustainable and eco-friendly learning environments.

One of the key themes of the discussion was the significant challenges posed by the current climate crisis. Panelists acknowledged the urgency of addressing environmental issues and emphasized the positive steps being taken to combat the climate crisis. Despite the magnitude of the challenge, there was a shared sense of optimism regarding the progress being made in implementing sustainable practices within school districts.

The panelists also underscored the direct impact of greening schoolyards on children’s safety, health, and learning outcomes. They highlighted the correlation between access to green spaces and educational success, emphasizing the need to prioritize greening initiatives to create conducive learning environments for students.

Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the momentum behind greening schools and the increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability in educational settings. While there has been progress in securing funding and garnering support for greening projects, panelists acknowledged the need for collaborative efforts to ensure that resources are directed towards critical improvements in school environments.

The panelists emphasized the role of community organizations and school districts in spearheading greening initiatives. They highlighted the ambitious goals set by some districts to green all schoolyards to a significant percentage, recognizing the scale of the challenge but also the transformative impact it can have on students’ well-being and academic performance.

Overall, the briefing served as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of greening schools and the positive outcomes associated with creating green, sustainable learning environments. The panelists’ insights underscored the need for continued efforts to prioritize sustainability in educational settings and to leverage partnerships to drive meaningful change.

In conclusion, the discussion on greening schools highlighted the transformative potential of creating green spaces within educational institutions. By prioritizing sustainability and environmental initiatives, schools can not only enhance the well-being of students but also contribute to a more eco-conscious and resilient future. The momentum behind greening schools signals a positive shift towards prioritizing sustainability in educational practices, paving the way for a greener and healthier learning environment for all students.