Hate Escalates at the Border: Setting the Stage for 2024
The United States has a long history of treating immigrants poorly, and the current situation at the border is no exception. The news that Texas authorities were deploying razor wire at the border and allegedly ordering local agents to push exhausted and hungry asylum seekers back into the river barely made a blip in the news. The situation is escalating everyday bringing significant implications for the 2024 presidential elections.
- Manuel Ortiz Escámez, Sociologist, Journalist, and Documentary Filmmaker, Ethnic Media Services and Peninsula 360 Press
- Cal Jillson, Professor of Political Science at Southern Methodist University and Author of several books including the upcoming “Race, Ethnicity, and American Decline”
- Gianna Borroto, Senior Litigation Attorney at the American Immigration Council
At an Ethnic Media Services briefing, Aug. 4, panelists discussed what is going on at the border in Texas and a new lawsuit against limiting migrants’ ability to file for asylum. Speakers also analyzed what these actions could mean for the upcoming presidential election, noting that hateful rhetoric and actions against immigrants have been rampant on both sides of the political spectrum.

Historically, white supremacy was broadly accepted in the U.S., and immigrants have been roughly treated from the very beginning. For example, Benjamin Franklin said terrible things about German immigrants to Pennsylvania in the 1750s, the Irish were treated badly in the 1840s and 1850s, and Asians were excluded completely from the 1880s through into the 1950s. The current situation at the border is a continuation of this history.
“The cruelty is getting bolder, particularly in places like Texas and Florida,” began the moderator, Pilar. The deployment of razor wire and the alleged orders to push asylum seekers back into the river are just the latest examples of this cruelty.
The panelists also discussed a new lawsuit against limiting migrants’ ability to file for asylum. The Biden Administration has decided that migrants should use a particular medium to file for asylum, and the lawsuit challenges this decision. The panelists noted that this lawsuit could have significant implications for the upcoming presidential election.

The lawsuit is just the latest example of how immigration is becoming a major issue in the upcoming election. The panelists also analyzed what these actions could mean for the upcoming presidential election. At the border, the situation is such, setting the stage for the 2024 election. The panelists noted that the current situation is likely to be a major issue in the election, and it could have significant implications for the outcome.
The situation at the border is likely to have significant implications for the Democratic Party. This puts the Democrats in a difficult position. They need to show that they are tough on immigration, but they also need to show compassion for the migrants. It’s a delicate balance, and it’s not clear how they will navigate it.
The panelists also discussed the role of the media in shaping public opinion on immigration. The media has a responsibility to report on the situation at the border accurately and fairly. They need to show the human side of the story and not just focus on the politics.
The panelists also noted that the situation at the border is not just a political issue, but a moral one as well. We need to remember that these are human beings we are talking about. They are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

In conclusion, the situation at the border in Texas is a continuation of a long history of mistreatment of immigrants in the United States. The deployment of razor wire and the alleged orders to push asylum seekers back into the river are just the latest examples of this cruelty. The new lawsuit against limiting migrants’ ability to file for asylum is likely to have significant implications for the upcoming presidential election.
The situation at the border is setting the stage for the 2024 election, and it is likely to be a major issue in the campaign. The Democrats are in a difficult position, and the media has a responsibility to report on the situation accurately and fairly, and above all, We need to remember that these are human beings we are talking about, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.