Priya Vasan (r) helps Nargis Fakhri as Saurabh Gadgil (c) looks on. (Photos: Vansh A. Gupta/Siliconeer)
Bollywood diva Nargis Fakhri was in Sunnyvale, Calif., April 28, to inaugurate the gleaming new jewelry showroom by PNG Jewelers. This is their flagship store and features exquisite, traditional, and modern jewelry in gold and diamonds, as well as silver goods. P.N. Gadgil (PNG) Jewelers is a highly recognized brand in the jewelry business for generations, across India, Dubai and the U.S. A Siliconeer photo essay.
PNG Jewelers MD Saurabh Gadgil (2nd from r), COO Ashutosh Joshi (2nd from l) and CEO Rajendra Soni (r) present an award of appreciation.
A view of the display of jewelry sets at PNG’s new showroom in Sunnyvale, Calif.
Jyoti Gadodia (l) shows a dazzling display of jewelry sets.
Nargis Fakhri and Saurabh Gadgil (l) cut the ribbon to enter the flagship PNG Jewelers showroom in Sunnyvale, Calif. (Som Sharma/Digital iVision Photograpy)
A view of the display of jewelry sets at PNG’s new showroom. The opening day saw huge crowds gathered to see Nargis Fakhri and the exquisite jewelry offered by PNG Jewelers.
A view of the display of jewelry sets at PNG’s new showroom. The opening day saw huge crowds gathered to see Nargis Fakhri and the exquisite jewelry offered by PNG Jewelers.
Nargis Fakhri screams with joy as she tries a necklace. Saurabh Gadgil (l) is elated.
Priya Vasan (r) helps Nargis Fakhri try out a diamond ring.
Nargis Fakhri and Saurabh Gadgil pose for a selfie outisde PNG Jewelers showroom in Sunnyvale, Calif.