Drones Combating COVID
(Above): A drone with a thermal temperature measuring camera. (iStockphoto)
During this unique time, everyone is trying to do their best to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus. As a result, people are finding new uses for technologies that could potentially be useful in assisting other people in staying safe and limit the spread of this deadly virus. One example of this is drones.
Although the concept of drones is familiar to many, there were many uses unimaginable before this pandemic. For example, since the virus can survive on hard surfaces for multiple days at a time, agriculture drones have been deployed to spray some surfaces with disinfectant.

Another way drones are combating the virus is by functioning as a thermometer. Typically, it would be difficult to measure peoples’ temperatures, especially at major events that have to occur regardless of the dangers of a virus. Since thousands of thermometers would be very expensive, drones are being used with infrared sensors to measure the temperature in a crowd remotely. This poses a much safer method to ensure that there aren’t any sick people at an event where the virus could easily spread.
One last way drones are being used to fight this disease is through dropping off medical supplies in rural areas. Although it has only been tested in the United States and the Dominican Republic so far, this method has been proven to be very efficient as well as effective since the drones in use have a maximum payload of 6 kg.
Although this pandemic has been very difficult for much of the world, it has led to some technological advancements and the realization of new ways to help people in need. These advancements and innovative discoveries will go a long way for our future.