In the pandemic of 2020, when the world went into lockdown, one Indian lady who is above 80 years of age, engaged herself in making videos on Indian culture, mythology and literature from her apartment in San Francisco Bay Area.

Her name is Harsha Watts and she is my mother. She learnt how to record, upload and manage her YouTube channel “California Nani,” on her own. Here, she has showcased about 500 videos made by her with more than twenty thousand viewers.

My mother’s life holds a message that learning and following one’s passion can occur even after eighty years of age! Here are some excerpts from the life of California Nani, an inspiration to many.

For a large part of her life, mom remained reticent and an atheist, yet back in India, she fulfilled her duties in organizing religious festivities for the family. Her greatest talent lay in cooking delicious meals. Without feeling exhausted, she managed all chores herself, after which, she would sit to knit sweaters for her loved ones.

When I was growing up in India, I recall how mom would help my siblings and myself with our homework. She would help us understand meanings in literature, explain shlokas in Sanskrit, show us the tricks to memorize science and math. Several evenings, when the light would go off, mom would give a candle to us so that we may continue to finish our homework in a room full of darkness.

Although mom couldn’t finish her own college, she aspired to see her children excel academically. She was the person who would go to attend the parent teacher meetings at school in India. Now that everyone in the family is settled in the U.S., you might be thinking that my mother must be leading a retired life.

Well, a few years back, my father had passed away. Mom began visiting temples each day. Later she engaged herself in making jewelry and dresses for the deities. I was surprised to see this transformation in a nonbeliever.

A few years back, she fell down, twice, when her feet got entangled in her saree causing multiple fractures on her knee and foot and hands. Wearing a saree or keeping long hair wasn’t feasible anymore. Short hair and western attire brought another transformation in her leading to a miraculous phase.

When mom turned eighty years of age, her granddaughter asked her, “what was life like in India, in 1940, 1950 and 1960s?”

Mom began remembering her childhood during partition in India, and beyond. We now wanted to preserve words of wisdom flowing out of her lips.

With the help of her granddaughter, mom launched her own channel on YouTube – CALIFORNIA NANI, in August 2019. Now she wakes up each morning with a goal of making one video each day.

The beauty of this endeavor is preservation of knowledge related to Indian culture and benefit to students of Indology.


California Nani YouTube channel: