With less than a month till the U.S. Elections, we have two candidates that can shape the rest of the decade. Observing a shift in American political discourse since 2016, we now rely on memes and the likes of Taylor Swift or Elon Musk to influence our voting decisions. I urge Americans to look beyond the political commotion and the noisy memes to vote sensibly in the upcoming election.

This month, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter crosses 100 years old. I am reminded of a memorable story my grandpa shared.  My grandparents met then-President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter at the Ritz-Carlton in New York.

For me, this story represents how great this country was in its heyday. The U.S. President connected with the public and held the citizens’ best interest. This was the case until the 2016 U.S. Elections, when a certain trumpet started playing out notes of division and hate. 

Even the 2012 presidential candidates were respectful during the debates. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney stood their ground without disrespecting each other, and America chose sensibly. There was no need for fact-checking, and people weren’t radical with their views.

All that changed in 2016. With the entrance of the blonde-wigged orange, we have seen America turn from a country of unity and power to a country of division and despair. As a Gen-Z, the amount of unsolicited political debates I have engaged in is frankly ridiculous. Flash forward to 2024, and the orange is still trumping his horn, although he’s starting to sound more like Joe Biden.

Sometimes, the teleprompter stops working amidst a speech. Sometimes, it’s about operating a lemonade stand that he apparently wouldn’t trust Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to run. Sometimes, it’s tweeting outrageous lies on X. No, he is really tweeting about the last elections being rigged and that the evidence found in his criminal case is outrageous. These are just his rallies and tweets. Maybe it’s a common characteristic of billionaires with power. *Cough cough* Elon Musk! 

Let’s look at the last U.S. Presidential debate. What a dumpster fire show that was for the duck.

“What has America come to?” I asked myself as we tuned into the Presidential Debate. How has the Republican party allowed for a person like Donald Trump to be their lead candidate? Trump’s false remarks on “saving” Obamacare and taking eight years to develop ‘concepts of a plan’ for affordable health were far from reassuring that he will be the president for the citizens, let alone immigrants. Taking digs at Kamala Harris for not doing anything in her current position of power was a smart move, but it wasn’t convincing enough. Especially for the immigrants and more so for the sensible South Asians. Though, we have a fair share of dimwits as well.

I am pretty sure we are seeing the memes and highlights of Trump calling immigrants criminals who eat dogs and cats. Let’s get one thing straight! As an Indian American citizen who comes from an immigrant family, Trump’s claims towards immigrants were deeply offensive. Immigrants are not murderers. Immigrants are here in search of a better life. Trump’s blabbering shatters the one foundation that built this amazing country – immigrants.

Immigrants did not replace anyone. They are the new population of America. Since the birth of America, we have been a country of immigrants. America’s founding fathers emigrated to America before forming this nation. As a public servant, any politician must accept that. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were all realistically written by immigrants. Mr. Trump, check your family tree and then proceed to call immigrants criminals and other colorful adjectives. 

Let’s divert our attention towards a fresh candidate – Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris, or dare I say, “Harris Maata,” kept it cool throughout the whole debate. She was unnerved by Donald Trump’s antics. Every bullet shot by Donald Trump was ricocheted back by Kamala Harris. “You’re not running against Joe Biden. You’re running against me.” That was her simple answer to Trump rambling about Joe Biden. Harris also asserts that Trump lost his re-election and was essentially ‘fired’ by the 81 million voters.

Harris didn’t snap. She was being sensible and provided a very classy presentation. However, everything Kamala Harris said felt very scripted, and that is where the problem lies. Connecting with a crowd takes more than just saying the right things. There is a need for character that feels warm and personable.

I wouldn’t want to share a beer with Kamala, but I wouldn’t mind sharing a beer with Trump. Well, that was before he made fun of immigrants and floundered during his latest rallies. Maybe we are all just tired of this political storm.

While Donald Trump was going on about eating dogs and Kamala Harris was giving her robotic-style appeal, J.D. Vance and Tim Walz put on quite a show for us. The VP nominees sounded more like American leaders than their leading counterparts. 

J.D. Vance, previously marked as ‘creepy’ and ‘weird’, shined on stage while debating Tim Walz. Vance was respectful, and he was compelling. One would almost believe Vance’s statements until the fact-check report was released. Still, he did a much better job selling Trump than Trump himself. 

Tim Walz, although shaky at first, finally found his ground and engaged in a respectful yet riveting dialogue. Both gentlemen respectfully disagreed on ideas and proposals, but none fought like cats and dogs – some immigrants meal, apparently. Gun violence, abortion rights, the economy, housing affordability… all of the important points were covered. It wasn’t just pointing fingers except for J.D. Vance questioning why Kamala Harris hasn’t done anything for the last 3 ½ years. That’s a fair point if you ask me. 

Being in a position of power now, why are Americans suffering under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s leadership? Why is my generation failing to find jobs or live the American Dream?

Hearing a catchy beat on Trump’s dialogues: “eating the dogs” and “eating the cats,” and the likes of Taylor Swift or Elon Musk influencing the presidential election, we have reached a point in American Democracy where I am almost regretful of being an American citizen. 

Today, we have a candidate who is all-out liberal, connecting with the Gen-Z and ‘Swifites’ of this country. On the other side, we have a pathological misinformation spreader who is so far up his own snoot that he doesn’t understand how much he has divided America. However, he was also responsible for strengthening the U.S. Dollar and the economy. We never had to worry about rising living costs or taxes under his presidency. At least, that is the consensus amongst his supporters.

My goal with this article is to open the eyes of the American people and push them to exercise the constitutional right to vote. We must look beyond our world of Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and TikTok. We must choose sensibly and understand the implications of who we accept as our next leader.

Seriously America. Wake up! Look beyond the memes and the jokes. We are less than a month away from judgment day. Whether we will see a South Asian president driving progressivism or see another four years of an old white, possibly demented, rich criminal in office, the power to choose is in your hands. 

Now, Go Vote!